LPRC in the


Retail crime makes the news every day all across the country. Here’s where you can find out how the Loss Prevention Research Council is progressing in our efforts to prevent, predict, and stop retail crime in its tracks.

You can find loss prevention in retail media coverage in a wide range of sources, from daily newswires to industry publications. We curate the most relevant articles and posts in one convenient location for LPRC members and visitors to our site.

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InStore.ai Partners with Loss Prevention Research Council

InStore.ai Partners with Loss Prevention Research Council

InStore.ai, a pioneer in voice-driven business optimization for the retail industry, has entered into a strategic partnership with the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC), a respected organization focused on preventing and detecting theft, fraud, and violence...

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Outsmarting Shoplifters

Outsmarting Shoplifters

CBSNEWS.COM - As shoplifting costs retailers billions., correspondent Rita Braver explores the LPRC's efforts to help retailers fight theft with futuristic strategies. Read...

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NIRO Knowledge

NIRO Knowledge

NIRO Knowledge is a podcast for those looking to learn about crime analysis and evidence based policing from those within the community. Listen to the full podcast here.

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Interviewing a Thief

Interviewing a Thief

Today we are joined by Read Hayes, PHD from The Loss Prevention Research Council to talk about his innovative method of interviewing thieves to better understand the key...

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The Science of Stealing

The Science of Stealing

The four thieves swapped stories, comparing what and how they like to steal. One prefers to enlist the help of employees to tip him off when a delivery arrives. One heads...

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How Retailers Can Improve Self-Checkout

How Retailers Can Improve Self-Checkout

Cashier or self-checkout? That’s the difficult question consumers often face when they finish shopping. The self-checkout line may be shorter, but given all the things that...

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Outsmarting Shoplifters

Outsmarting Shoplifters

It is estimated that tens of billions of dollars' worth of merchandise is lost to shoplifters each year. And as shoplifters (working individually or as part of organized...

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